Customer Testimonials

"Hello, just a quick note to tell you guys how wonderful the man is that does our pest control work. $75 is a bit of money for us to put out every 3 months, but because of Mike we would never change companies!  He is so great with my annoying little dog who follows him room to room and he is very knowledgable and answers all of my tedious questions.  Just wanted to let you know how much my family and I appreciate good people like him!
Thanks so much,
Shondell and Steven Dahm

Mr. John Wood of 833 Coronet Drive, North Augusta, called in and complimented Jason P. on a very fine job. Said he was very knowledgeable, very polite and professional and answered all his questions. He bought a booster and scheduled for next week. He said that Jason was a fine young man working for our company and that he was very pleased.

"Mr. Odom wanted to call to let us know what a fabulous job Valerie did today while servicing his home..He said that she did an outstanding job today..He was very pleased with the service she performed at his home today..Wanted Borden's to know what a valuable asset Valerie was to the company. He also said that she seemed very adamant about solving any issues and concerns that he may have. She made him feel like he was more than just another account to service. Thank you!"